The Dutch photographer Vincent Hartman of STUDIOVHF proofs that you don’t necessarily need to be based in Amsterdam or any other of the big city’s on the North-Sea coast to land interesting photography assignments from overseas customers. The photographer works from his studio near Zwolle in the east of the country and is more centrally based that most other studio’s. The photographer is fluent in English, German and Dutch and felt that he should combine his previous experience in export marketing with his commercial photography and added a few pages to his websites in the English language.
After all, the family lived in Northampton for a number of years when the photographer had a break from his occupation as a photographer. Now back in The Netherlands the photo studio is back in business and is going from strenght to strength.
Corporate Photography
The studio employs two photographers and an intern and specializes in corporate photography, industrial photography, product photography and interiors and editorial photography. Among its customers advertising agencies, marketing communication departments from large corporates as weel as small graphic design and interior companies.
The addition of the English landingpages is showing up in Google analytics and has generated already some enquiries. The most recent one was for an industrial photography job a bit south of the city of Zwolle in The Netherlands. An advertising agency based in New Jersey specialises in industrial communication and technical reviews of industrial equipment in the minerals and chemicals industry, commissioned STUDIOVHF to photograph a big bag filler and it’s use in a plant for aluminium hydroxide.
Being found internationally als generated quite some interest from overseas companies offering post production services. They apparently think that you are a big studio when you’re being found online:) The only post-processing that STUDIOVHF outsources to external parties is the clipping of product photography and this rarely happes as most graphic designers here in The Netherlands do it themselves.
We wil see were our international ranking will lead us. To keep up to date please follow the website of STUDIOVHF or @studiovhf.